Cool Free Gifts for Pre-Ordering Hot Ticket

Hot Ticket (3)Hi US and Canadian Sinners Fans!

We have a special offer going on for the release of Hot Ticket in February. If you pre-order the book, we will send you an exclusive Sinners logo tattoo and one sexy Sinners hot pink guitar pick! But you have to hurry because we only have 1,000 of them available! You have until January 31st or until quantities run out! Here is what you do:

1.         Pre-order the book (print or eBook) through any retailer (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Indiebound, BAM, etc.)

2.         Email your proof of purchase (receipt or picture of the receipt) to Don’t forget to include your home address (US & Canada only please) so we can send you the tattoo and guitar pick! Yes, if you’ve already pre-ordered it months ago, that counts, you just have to show your receipt.

3.         You will get an email back confirming when the items have been sent out.  If you were not one of the first 1,000 people, you will also be alerted.

4.         Enjoy Hot Ticket when you receive it in February!


Apply your temporary Sinners tattoo and take a picture of you with your tat. Email your pic to Olivia at With your permission, I will post the pictures of Sinners fans with their bitchin’ new Sinners temporary tattoos on Sinners website: Trey’s comments included. Everyone who sends a pic to be posted on will be entered to win a 7″ Kindle Fire HD and a $50 Amazon gift card to load it up with all your favorite ebooks (or buy diapers, whatever…).

So you can win this:

Kindle Fire

And this:

Amazon $50 gift card

Just for showing off your new Sinners tattoo, which you get for pre-ordering this:

Available February 5, 2013

in either paperback or digital.

Here’s a buy link for Amazon, but you can get it anywhere you like.

Amazon Buy

Kindle Fire is not yet available in Canada, but hopefully it will be by February. If it’s not, a different brand of eReader of equal or lesser value will be substituted and the gift card will come from a site that carries eBooks for that reader.

Have fun with your temporary tattoos, but remember what Jerry says: No nudity allowed on the site.

Just to reiterate:

Send your purchase receipt to:

Wait for your temporary tattoo to arrive.

Send your tattoo picture to:

The winner for the Kindle Fire HD/Gift Certificate prize pack will be drawn in mid-February. I want to make sure everyone has a chance to get their tattoo and send a picture in.

Have fun! And good luck!

And yes, readers on other continents, you’re being left out again. Sorry about that. 😦