Staged Playlist Part 2

I’ve got five more songs for Staged’s playlist. If you missed the first 5, you can find them here: Stage Playlist Part 1. I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend. If it’s not rocking as much as you’d like, maybe these songs will help.

I’m still having a hard time adjusting to Three Days Grace having a new singer, but the band is still cranking out hits, so I just need to get over Adam and move on. The next song on the playlist fits Staged perfectly. Not only the lyrics, but the reference to red, which is what Steve often calls the heroine. We originally designed the Staged cover to be green, but after I wrote the book, red was just too important a color to the story not to feature it on the cover. So here we have Staged’s theme song: Infra-Red

6) Three Days Grace — Infra-Red

Korn’s vocalist, Jonathan Davis, has been releasing some awesome new music as a soloist. I heard this song on Octane the other day and just had to include “Basic Needs”. What a wonderfully romantic song! I have so much love for Johnathan’s solo work. It really showcases his phenomenal voice.

7) Jonathan Davis — Basic Needs

I’m choosing to interpret this next song in a positive light. It doesn’t take long for Steve to be tangled in Roux’s charms and beg to be taken to rapture, but the web of lies and crooked tongue part of the song doesn’t fit. She’s frank and open with him from the beginning. It’s one of the reasons he falls for her. So we’ll just ignore the connotation of those few words, won’t we? *grin* And focus on the ‘set my body free’ parts. Next on the list is Underoath with “Rapture”. Plus the drum track rocks. Steve would approve.

8) Underoath — Rapture

One major theme in the book is how Steve returns to his “old self”. So that’s why “The Old Me” is perfect for this playlist. And it’s catchy. And it rocks hard. So thanks Memphis May Fire for this phenomenal song. *throws up devil horns* I know you wrote it just for me. *wink*

9) Memphis May Fire — The Old Me

Today’s final addition to the playlist is for Roux’s band, Baroquen. They’ve worked hard to get where they are–touring with superstars Exodus End and Sinners–and they are giving their all to make their dreams a reality. Here’s “All or Nothing” by Sylar.

10) Sylar — All or Nothing

I hope you’ve enjoyed the playlist so far. Stay tuned for more!